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Netball Costs and Schedules

Munchkins Netball class costs and information

Our Munchkins Netball classes coincide with the local school term times.

The courses that we currently have on offer are situated at Bromley High School in Bromley on a Sunday morning.

We try to run all classes outside, but when the weather is bad we do have access to an amazing sports hall so classes will carry on as normal.

The age groups and times are as follows:

  • 2-7 years old: 9.15am – 10.00am
  • 7-9 years old: 10.15am – 11.15am
  • 9-11 years old: 11.30am – 12.30pm

Class schedules and costs:

Classes are purchased in term blocks only.

To view our Munchkins Netball class costs and schedules, then please click here

Munchkin Sports lifetime membership:

For new Munchkin Sports members, there is also a one-off joining fee of £37.00 (please note that this is a one-off payment, so all recurring terms will be term fees only). This fee allows your child to be a lifetime member of Munchkin Sports and in addition receive the following items on their first day of class:

  • 1 x Munchkin Sports shirt and sports shorts
  • 1 x Munchkin Sports backpack
  • 1 x Munchkin Sports water bottle
  • 1 x Munchkin Superstar reward chart