An introduction into our Multi-Sport Munchkin Classes
At Munchkin Sports our philosophy has always been to introduce young children to sport in a fun environment but we also feel it’s imperative that children gain a solid foundation and learn many different sporting skills so that when older they have the ability to be good at a number of different sports and not just one. With this in mind our multi-sport classes are introducing children to many different sports but still in the same fun and exciting Munchkin way.
At every stage fun is the first and foremost element of every class. Through the use of sport themed games, we bring something different to our multi-sport classes that aren’t used elsewhere. All our Munchkins classes are built combining a learning aspect together with physical skills and are suitable for both boys and girls. The classes are action packed including Athletics, Rugby, Football, Netball, Tennis, Cricket and many more fun team games.
Our classes are split into three age groups: 2-3yr olds, 3-4yr olds and 4-7yr olds.
2-3yr olds – Class Length 45 minutes: Our youngest Munchkins learn sport specific core basic skills to set them on their sporting journey. The coaching team in this class will encourage every child to try to learn new skills whilst making sure that they learn with a big smile on their face. Games will encourage both team and individual participation and only use soft equipment to promote safety and learning. We encourage parent participation for this age group.
3-4yr olds – Class length 45 minutes: As our future sporting stars start to develop, they will take on board everything they have already learnt and start to expand their sporting skills. As well as key balancing and co-ordination skills, the children will start to participate in games involving colours and counting to make them a more all round athlete. The element of competition starts to be gently introduced at this age, but appreciation of other teams and lots of high fives remain high on the agenda! Parent participation at this level is encouraged, but by no means expected.
4-7yr olds – Class length 60 minutes: Our Munchkins are now looking to break out of their shell and wanting to show Mummy and Daddy how much they have learnt. In this age group, more specific sports skills are introduced and the children gain much satisfaction in realising how far they can push themselves.
All the games and drills still maintain the core ethics of teamwork and camaraderie and smiles are on everyone’s faces from start to finish. Parents are always welcome to interact at this level, but we feel it’s about time they sit back and relax, or stand up and cheer as the Munchkins run their socks off!