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You Go Girl

You Go Girl - Inspiring our future!

The you go girl campaign has been designed to encourage girls to get involved in all aspects of sport and more importantly to keep them there.

Statistics show a dramatic drop off in girls’ interest in sport once they reach secondary school and in a lot of cases even younger. That is not right and not fair, so we are doing something about it.

We have been inspired by the campaign “This Girl Can”, which is aimed at encouraging girls/women back into sport. Our goal is to target the stage before they lose interest and stop them leaving in the first place.

Throughout the year we will introduce lots of different activities and sports driven by the girls themselves. We want to encourage fun, fitness, friendship, character-building and wellbeing.

Aspects of management, coaching, journalism and photography will be included in a fun and productive way.

If you are interested in starting the You Go Girl campaign at your school…

Contact us:
020 8658 3777

“I think this is a fantastic way of keeping girls in sport. There are so many aspects to sport that even those who don’t enjoy participating in sport or may not think they’re very good, can be involved in. This may in turn help them to keep up an active and healthy lifestyle through being surrounded by sport in different ways.

There wasn’t a campaign like this when I was at school, but I can only imagine that it would have helped keep so many girls interested in sport.”

Vicky Fleetwood
2014 Rugby World Cup Winner